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Safe boating in Helsinki region (WEBINAR)

8.3.2023 klo 18:00 - 20:30

The event is targeted to sailors and boaters in the Helsinki region who are new members in Pave member clubs,  but also to those who do not belong to any yacht club or boating club yet, or who are considering starting a new hobby. The webinar is free of charge and open to everyone, but, you need to register in advance.
We will focus on safety at sea and present some interesting marinas and natural harbors within 30 miles from Helsinki to visit.
Pleasure boating and sailing in Finland
Seamanship and what is required by the law
Finnish Sailing and Boating Federation (SPV) & clubs
Pleasure craft inspection (katsastus) and how to prepare for it
Trossi service
Examples of different types of destinations within 30 NM from Helsinki
commercial marinas
museums and restaurants with access by own boat
harbours in municipal outdoor areas
natural harbours in true wilderness with everybody’s rights (and limitations)
Where to find more information
Language: This event is in English.
Instructors: Elena Saltikoff (KoPu) and Jukka Wallinheimo (HVK). Elena has been learning to sail for 12 years, spends around 50 days a year at sea and has fallen to water only twice. Jukka has been boating since he was a toddler. He is a member of the boating safety committee in the Finnish Sailing and Boating Federation and pleasure craft inspector. Jukka also educates boaters in marine electrical systems and radio communication.
Additional information: Elena Saltikoff, elena.saltikoff (at)
Number of participants: 5 – 50
List of participants: /50.
Did you participate the webinar, please give feedback to the instructors:
Pajalahti Boating School (Pave) pages in English by google translator: click here


18:00 - 20:30


Etäkoulutus, -, -, Suomi